Foxy Pathologist

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

urff. is a contagion and one is not. you decide. so there seems to be an epidemic up here of that horribly misdirected fashion venture--the spring heel tennis shoe. i find these viscerally offensive for some reason, the whole pompidou athletic convergence gone way way awry. and by no means have i any sense of fashion, except for athletic shoes. or perhaps it's some subconscious gender mish mash- the athletic shoe gone high heel-- butthat commercial with the women playing basketball in their pumps had no effect on me. subtheory excluded. algodenroroot aborted.


  • At 10:51 AM, Blogger Tiger said…

    I think I know the shows you mention. I just bought a pair.

    what is up with the digital binary post? you are too smart for me. I don't understand.

  • At 1:06 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said…

    Oh there is something worse. The CROC! They have overtaken the South like kudzu. Babies, old ladies, even NASCAR fans. Fear the Croc.


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